Handmade For Good

Little Towels, Big impact

Little Towels, Big impact

By using HANDECLOTH Reusable Paper Towels, you save money, help the environment, and make your life a little easier. It's a win-win-win! 

Little Towels, Big impact

By using HANDECLOTH Reusable Paper Towels, you save money, help the environment, and make your life a little easier. It's a win-win-win! 

The Small Things

The Small Things

Little drops of waterLittle grains of sand,Make the mighty ocean,And the pleasant land. So the little moments,Humble though they be,Make the mighty agesOf eternity. by Julia Carney, 1845   This...

The Small Things

Little drops of waterLittle grains of sand,Make the mighty ocean,And the pleasant land. So the little moments,Humble though they be,Make the mighty agesOf eternity. by Julia Carney, 1845   This...